
President:  Marla O'Neill

V.P.:  Liz Grissinger

Treasurer:  Kris Diephuis

Secretary:  Sarah Senneff

General Federation of Woman’s Clubs - Illinois

“ U N I T Y  I N  D I V E R S I T Y ”

GFWC Savanna Woman’s Club

Our Meetings:

Manny's Fiesta Room

211 Main St

2nd Wednesday of the month

Aug. - May except Dec.

6:30 p.m.

Becoming a GFWC member means joining a local GFWC club, where more than 100,000 members are actively engaged in volunteer community service in approximately 4,000 clubs across the globe.

Our Club in Savanna is always looking for new members.

If you are interested in broadening your interests

and meeting new friends,

Please join us!

Come to a meeting or contact:

Savanna Woman’s Club

P.O. Box 221

Savanna, IL 61074



Our club was formed in 1946 as the Junior Woman’s Club of Savanna.  We changed our name in 2006.  We have a long history of being very involved with our schools and our community.

Club Projects

All-American-Baby Contest.....A photo contest for the budget

Holiday Books...Provides a new book for every 2nd grader in the West Carroll School District, given out at their Valentine's Day party.

Craft Fair.....Proceeds fund our community improvement projects

2nd Saturday each November.


General Federation of Women’s Clubs

General Federation of Women’s Clubs Illinois

City of Savanna, Illinois

Savanna Chamber of Commerce

Pictures from 2011 GFWC Illinois Convention